Welcome to the Rife Pool

I would like to welcome everyone to our newest venture. 

The RIFE Pool.

Now, I know most of us all play mass lottery.  Hoping to get lucky for life. We spend our time hoping to come up with the perfect method of picking the correct Powerball winning numbers.  Praying to be the winner of the latest Mega Millions payout.  They have drawings every day from the daily 3 and daily 4 to the fantasy 5. 

All of these programs were initiated to raise funds for projects that were intended for the betterment of our communities.  From schools and parks all the way to assisting the elderly.

That is our goal here.

Our name, RIFE, stands for Reducing Inequality, Feeding Everyone.  That is our chief mission.  We have created a GoFundMe campaign where each and every person can donate one dollar and one dollar alone.  There are roughly 300 million people in the United States today.  If we can convince each and every one of you to donate that one dollar the math is easy.  300 million dollars!  Now this is where it gets interesting.

Every person’s One dollar donation grants them membership into our organization.  Don’t worry, GoFundMe keeps track of everyone who donates.  That membership enters you into the pool for our periodic drawing.  One person’s name will be drawn at random and that lucky individual will receive one half of all the funds raised to that date.

That’s right.  Everyone donates one dollar and one lucky person wins half.  Should we reach our goal of 300 million dollars that is 150 million dollars to one person.  No picking winning numbers.  Just donate your dollar and wait.  One guaranteed winner for every drawing. 

The remaining funds will go towards forwarding our mission and to those who need it the most. 

Join us in beginning something great. Imagine How many lives we can change if we all work together.  Follow the link to our GoFundMe campaign and donate your dollar now.